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Whenever people get together in groups, the number of people

present determines the energy that group will have.


Beyond seven people, there is a crowd, a number too large to be assimilated as a particular energy. Humans cannot deal with more than seven pieces of information at once, and, therefore, cannot relate to more than seven people at once.


Groups over seven will break into smaller numbered groups, each of those groups having a particular energy, depending on the number in it. Eight people, for example, will almost always break down into two groups of four.


A group can meet casually, one time only, for an evening, a day or an hour. Or the members can form a long‑term relationship, the same people meeting again and again, over months or years, perhaps with a specific project in mind.


The Three Musketeers were a fictional TRIAD who knew each other over years without a specific purpose. With the addition of D'Artagnan, they became a group of four and became much more "project‑oriented."


The Beatles were a non‑fictional group that met for a very specific purpose―playing music―although the QUADRANT had a deep effect on all aspects of the members' lives, as well as on the culture. Whether a group meets casually or for a specific purpose, for a long or short amount of time, there are certain positions in groups of two through seven that can be noticed and certain numbers which function more smoothly than others.


If two people meet casually, for a short time, they will often fall into a pattern which follows one of the 30 classic Monadic patterns. If the relationship continues over time, they probably do have a Monad that they are working on.

(See Mondads)


This group functions well to work on Karma and to learn lessons. There are three positions in a Triad: affirming or positive; denying or negative; and neutral or assimilative. For example; Affirming: "Let' s do this!"; Denying: "Let's not!";  Neutral: "What are the good points in both these plans?" People in a triad will take turns being in each of the positions.


You can also have a triad energy without having three people present. Two people and an issue can form a Triad. For example, two people trying to decide whether or not to get married are working in a Triad. This group usually starts out with the two people taking the affirming and denying positions and the issue being neutral. These positions change, however, if one person goes to neutral and "circumstances" put the issue in an affirming or denying position.


Example: I want to get married on September 5th (affirming), my fiance thinks that date is as good as any other date (neutral) but the church is not available on that date (denying).


Example: I want to buy this house (affirming) , you don't want to buy this house (denying), the house is neutral. Later, I still want to buy this house (affirming), you will go along with it (neutral), but the house needs extensive termite repair (denying). Clearly these triadic situations can be intense (karmic) and/or lead to lessons being learned.


You can also have a Triad with just one person and two opposing sides of an issue or a choice. It could be one person and two job offers. She is neutral about the two jobs, and one job is saying, "Choose me!" (affirming), while the other job is saying, "No, choose me!" (denying). Then she could take the affirming or denying position, I will or won't take this or that job." The taken job becomes neutral, the other stays in denying permanently, the lesson is learned and she moves on to a new lesson, or a new stage of the job lesson (e.g., having/learning the job).


Denying force, the third triadic energy, is an important concept. Most people would like to deal with only the affirming and neutral energies, but no lesson can be learned without looking at the denying force. When you give in to denying force, you end the lesson. If you affirm that you can have a new job and the denying force of a slow job market presents itself, your choice is to either come to a neutral or assimilative position which takes both affirming and denying energies into account or to put this lesson off until later. Coming to neutral is the only way to learn the lesson. Otherwise the lesson still awaits you down the road, later this life or even in another life, and you must start over again from where you started last time.


Example: I want a new job (affirming), there is a slow job market (denying), I am going to keep looking anyway and know it may take a long time to find what I want. I will improve my position by learning new skills, learning to present myself better, or learning whatever lesson this situation holds for me (neutral).



While a Triad is good for Karma or lessons, the energy of a Quadrant group works well for getting things done. There are four positions in a Quadrant: Love (initiation); Knowledge; Power and Compassion (support). Love is the person who comes up with the game plan: "Let's do, talk about or consider this." Knowledge researches the pros and cons and generally gives information about what Love initiated. Knowledge people are often rejected for "raining on the parade" when they explain why some idea will not fly. Power makes sure that the finalized game plan (after it has been altered and modified by knowledge) gets acted upon. She takes action herself or pushes everyone to take action. Compassion makes sure everyone gets along smoothly and eliminates the difficult, triadic energy. She judges fights, neutralizes conflict, helps everyone see each other's point of view, and helps with any service that needs to be done.


The Quadrant is the most comfortable, stable, and productive group. People tend to fall into Quadrants, if they can, when they are in a group of people. The larger groups―pentangle (5), sextant (6) and septant (7) ―are much more unusual. They also tend to break down into a Quadrant and something else: a Quadrant and a person who goes to sleep or leaves the room, a Quadrant and a Monad or a Quadrant and a Triad.


The four positions of the Quadrant describe the social roles most people take when they are in a group. Everyone will have her favorite position that she tends to fall into, with one or two backup positions. Everyone is good for at least one of the positions. Very few people can do all four positions well in any one lifetime. You fall into your position in a group so automatically that you don't even notice it.


If you want to get something done, start a business or project, it is best to get together a basic core group of four to bring in quadrant balance and energy. The most stable family units are either two parents and two children or two parents and four children.


A Pentangle adds one more person (a "fifth wheel") onto a Quadrant, and that person takes the eccentric position. The eccentric comes up with even more innovative and unusual ideas or plans than the love-Initiation person and throws a quirk into what everyone is doing. Pentangles are very unstable and they don't stay static very long, usually either dropping one person or adding a sixth. It would be fun to go to a party in a group of five because of the exciting and unusual energy, but it is an unstable working group.



A Sextant keeps the five positions of a Pentangle, but adds in an integrator who stabilizes the eccentric. The eccentric in a Sextant will feel the freedom to come up with even more bizarre or innovative ideas than an eccentric in a Pentangle. The integrator will tone these ideas down and make them workable for mass production or popular usage. An integrator and an eccentric will take whatever a Quadrant is working on, add to it unusual and creative ideas and come up with a way to make the work noticed on a large scale.


Sextants are the next most stable group after Quadrants. Quadrants are good for doing the mundane tasks of life, while Sextants are more outward and noticeable. People in sixes tend to get together and do large scale projects. You will often find six main movers and shakers at the head of a large company, perhaps comprising or participating in the Board of Directors or each directing different divisions.



The first six positions of a septant parallel those of a Sextant, while adding the more dynamic flavor of one of the seven Roles:



"Here's something that is going on. Why don't we get involved in it?"



A natural, investigative position for scholars.



Makes sure things get done.



Serves the group project.



Comes up with new, innovative ideas.



Leads the work out into world on a large scale.


The seventh position in a Septant corresponds to Priest and is known as the Goad position. This position adds spiritual energy and religious/philosophical context to whatever project the group undertakes. The person in this position will be concerned with how the group can best grow, learn, connect and be good members of the Universe with the work they are doing. It provides zeal and idealism.


Although each position corresponds to a Role, there need not be seven people of different Roles to make up a septant. A Sage might do Knowledge Position, for example, if the Love Position is already taken, or a Server easily could work in the Power Position. Septants will work on projects that benefit mankind on a large scale. It is not often that a Septant forms, although they will be more common as the world shifts towards Mature Soul consciousness.

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