Universes which co‑exist in the same space but in different space/time continuum than this one and which are subject to the same laws. A new parallel universe spins off at each major decision point of each individual's life. (Each year of the average lifetime contains only about four or five of these decision points.) Thus all the possibilities of each personality may be played out. There are billions of parallel universes existing at the same time, but all are part of the Tao. Parallel universes not only diverge, but also occasionally merge back together into a unified parallel.
Each center breaks down into three different parts: intellectual, emotional, and moving—what you think, feel, and do about each center. This allows an individual to choose her centering—the part of the center to which she moves most easily.
One of the seven modes essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The exalted mode on the inspirational axis. Living life with energy and enthusiasm. Leaping before looking.
The personalities and experiences that essence has accumulated prior to the present life. The lessons and experiences of past lives are part of essence and are recorded in the instinctive center. Thus there is a certain thread of continuity from life to life, even though one personality does not have direct and easy access to the qualities and accomplishments of a former one.
A group of five. This grouping has an exciting and unusual energy but is also very unstable. The five positions in the group are love, knowledge, power, compassion, and eccentric.
Using the positive pole of the emotional center to reach the truth. This is often faster and more accurate than using the intellectual center, since the intellectual center contains the belief system, which tends to color your view of the truth.
One of the seven modes essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The ordinal mode on the action axis. Persisting and enduring to reach the goal. Working through life step by step.
The combination of overleaves and imprinting which essence uses to play the game of life. Essence's tool on the physical plane.
Smells perceived on a subconscious level which determine your instinctive reaction to others. Your pheromones broadcast your karmas, agreements, and challenges for the life.
One of the seven planes of existence. On the physical plane, essence maintains the illusion of separateness and energy moves slowly enough to be solid. We are experiencing life presently on the physical plane.
Essence moves though lessons on seven planes of existence—the physical plane, the astral plane, the causal plane, the akashic record, the mental plane, the messianic plane, and the buddhaic plane—as it moves through a circle of experience and back to the Tao.
One of the three secondary body influences. Governed by the pineal gland. A severe and cerebral quality.
Each of the qualities of essence and personality can be polarized in a positive or negative way. The ability to choose between these two poles makes the game of the physical plane worth playing since the outcome cannot be predetermined. (See Positive Pole, Negative Pole.)
Each of the qualities of essence and personality can be polarized in a positive or negative way. The positive pole is the use of the qualities which help life flow most smoothly, feel the best (physically, mentally, and emotionally) and connect the personality to others and the greater whole.
One of the seven modes essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The exalted mode on the expressive axis. Living life from being in authority and in control.
One of the seven attitudes essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The assimilative attitude. A practical, organized attitude which views life from how it "must be" and forms rules and structures around logical presumptions.
One of the seven roles essence can choose to use for an entire cycle of experience. The exalted role on the inspirational axis. Priests inspire, compassionately guide, and goad others to spiritual advancement.
A group of four. This group works the best for getting projects done. The four positions are love, knowledge, power and compassion.
One of the seven attitudes essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The exalted attitude on the action axis. Seeing life as it is either objectively or from one's partial (therefore subjective) point of view.
One of the seven modes essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The ordinal mode on the inspirational axis. Acting in a reserved, refined, restrained, or civilized manner.
One of the seven goals essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The ordinal goal on the inspirational axis. Limits the scope of life to one or two major issues.
Primary being-ness or basic characteristic of essence. In this universe, essence chooses one of the following seven roles from which to experience its lessons when it undertakes a cycle of experience: server, priest, artisan, sage, warrior, king, or scholar.
One of the seven roles essence can choose to use for an entire circle of experience. The exalted role on the expressive axis. Sages express, entertain and disseminate information.
SATURN BODY TYPEThe body type which emphasizes the anterior pituitary gland. Characterized by prominent bone structure, patience, and reliability. Classic type: Uncle Sam, Abraham Lincoln. The exalted body type on the inspirational axis.
One of the seven roles essence can choose to use for an entire circle of experience. The assimilative role. Scholars study and assimilate knowledge.
Love, forgiveness, and tolerance for oneself. Learning self‑agape is the first step on the path to agape.
One of the seven obstacles essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The ordinal feature on the inspirational axis. Fear of inadequacy. Not feeling worthy to have what one wants in life.
An intense challenge essence provides for personality to work on during a lifetime, e.g., a weight problem, poor health, or an inability to have good relationships. Others can be included in the scenario of a self‑karma, but they will not be involved.
SELF-SABOTAGEOne of the seven obstacles essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The ordinal feature on the expressive axis. Fear of worthlessness. Feeling too unworthy to exist and, therefore, taking action which could lead to the end of one's existence.
Verification of lessons or truths for one's own self. No lesson can be learned without self‑verification or validation.
A species that has developed the capacity to use the intellectual part of the intellectual center, i.e., they can think about their ability to think.
SEPARATENESSThe illusion of the physical plane that each essence is individual and disconnected instead of a small part of the greater whole.
A group of seven. This group rarely forms, but when it does, it works on projects which benefit mankind on a large scale. The seven positions correspond roughly to the seven roles: love/sage; knowledge/scholar; power/warrior; compassion/server, eccentric/artisan; integrator/king; and goad/priest.
One of the seven roles essence can choose to use for an entire circle of experience. The ordinal role on the inspirational axis. Servers nurture and care for others and inspire individual love and affection.
Essence reaches a new stage of lessons every seven years on the physical plane. These cycles correspond generally to changes in the physical body.
A group of six. After quadrants, sextants are the next most stable working group. They work on large scale projects, e.g., as the board of directors of a large corporation. The six positions are love, knowledge, power, compassion, eccentric, and integrator.
The most obvious and intense type of karma. Two people are obsessively drawn into intense sexual desire for each other, irrespective of mutual interests or admiration. "Falling in love," in its most popularized form.
One of the seven attitudes essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The ordinal attitude on the expressive axis. Seeing what "might not be" in life. Believing life should be doubted, questioned, and investigated.
Using the overleaf on the opposite end of the axis or, in the case of an assimilative overleaf, using one of the other six overleaves.
The body type which emphasizes the thymus gland. Characterized by child‑like appearance and frailty. Classic type: Peter Pan. The assimilative body type.
The quality of being stable, organized, and what is considered to be average and normal. Forming a basis for things that need structure. Connected to the mainstream of the cosmos.
That part of each individual which continues from life to life; essence.
Essence's position on the cycle of experience. There are five soul levels or levels of soul perception experienced on the physical plane (as well as two other levels beyond the physical cycle) and seven steps within each level. (See Soul Perception.)
The amount of essence's experience which personality accesses. At each level of soul perception, essence gains a wider perspective of the whole. Generally we refer to soul perception or soul levels on the physical plane. The levels of soul perception experienced on the physical plane are infant, baby, young, mature, and old.
One of the seven attitudes essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The ordinal attitude on the inspirational axis. The point of view that you can deal with whatever life hands you.
One of the seven obstacles essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The assimilative feature. Fear of new situations. Putting on the brakes to slow down growth.
Essence tends to gather specific other essences for help or support during lifetimes on the physical plane in 12 basic positions: love, knowledge, compassion, mentor, beauty, child, humor, discipline, anchor, healer, enlightenment, and muse. Receiving support is an advanced lesson on the physical plane, so the support circle usually does not coalesce until the mature cycle. Eventually essence gathers a primary and several secondary support circles.
TAO (pronounced "dow")
The infinite soul. The total consciousness of the universe. The whole of which we are a part. In Western philosophy, the Tao is thought of as "God."
A compatible, productive relationship with another essence with whom you perform tasks or work on lessons. Everyone has at least one task companion.
A representative member of a recombined entity who takes on a physical body in order to teach. Transcendental souls are not always self‑aware, although they do stand out because of their teaching mission and their orientation towards group consciousness. Mahatma Gandhi, John the Baptist, and St. Francis of Assisi were all transcendental souls.
Using your centering inappropriately or becoming unable to move to the third center in order to resolve an issue or lesson. (See Centering, Parts of Centers.)
A group of three. This group is best for working on karma and lessons. The three positions of a triad are affirming, denying, and neutral. These positions can be held by three people, two people and an issue, or one person and two sides of an issue.
Complete combining of two or more essences in thought, feeling, and being. True sexuality is a lesson of the astral plane and is not fully experienced on the physical plane.
One of the three elements of the universe. All there is to know about everything there is in the universe (energy). Corresponds to the causal and mental planes.
a highly structured living organism whose goal is the accumulation of new experiences that aim toward growth and self-knowledge. The physical and finite manifestation of the Tao. Hypothetically, other universes exist that obey different laws than those described by the Michael Teaching.
One of the three secondary body influences. Governed by the gonads. Unusual and inventive.
The body type which emphasizes the parathyroids. Characterized by being full‑bodied, voluptuous, warm, and loving. Classic type: Boticelli's Venus. The ordinal body type on the action axis.
One of the seven attitudes Essence can choose to use for a lifetime. The exalted attitude on the inspirational axis. Seeing the higher possibilities in life. Looking at what "could be" in life.
One of the seven roles essence can choose to use for an entire circle of experience. The ordinal role on the action axis. Warriors take action and organize life.
The third of the five ages of soul perception experienced on the physical plane. Young souls are oriented towards success and fame or reputation. They see themselves as the ultimate authority. This soul age is the most enmeshed in the illusion of the physical plane.